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November 13, 2015
I personally beviele we need to move away from this notion that a degree is the bee all and end all. I think it is unquestionable that the university and degree system has been devalued over the period of the last government in particular, although admittedly this has been a gradual trend since the war and successive governments must bear some responsibility, and degrees today are worth much less than they were. This is largely because universities are now flooded with too many students and too many courses.What we need to do is encourage apprenticeships, work based training and a revival of more trade based qualifications. Britain is lagging behind in this area and I personally think that higher fees are positive in the sense they will make people think twice and say is it really worth it? because one of the most common things I am hearing lately from friends of mine who have graduated is I could have done what Im doing now without a degree or Im working in a completely different field to my degree or my degree is worthless, I wish I hadn't wasted 3 years . Higher fees will put less academic people and make people question whether their choice of degree, eg Michael Jackson studies lol, is worth the extra debt.Anyway im rambling. The truth is we need to stop seeing a degree as the highest and most valuable form of education and personal advancement and recognise there are other ways to achieve success in life and a degree is not the only route. University education should be for academics and if Im honest want to see mickey mouse courses like David Beckham studies wiped out because it cheapens the whole system. At the same time I want to see a revival of a manual/skills based economy to redress the imbalance that current cripples the economy and workplace.

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